Sunday 23 May 2010

500 Days of Summer

I tend to watch films with my ears on the story, one eye on the fashion and the other on the set design and cinematography...
500 Days of Summer will surely be an example of movie imagery symbolism in film schools all over the world for many years to come. I'm a big fan of when films use visual themes to aid the characters and the storyline.

The female character, Summer, has a beautiful vintage wardrobe however, no matter how many outfits she gets through she always wears blue, blue prints, navy blue, royal blue...even her apartment is blue. As pretty as the blue is, it helps to illustrate the fact that her personality is closed off and generally the colder, of the two main characters.
All these points aside...I loved the interior set design; Tom's apartment, especially. Definitely the apartment of a young, romantic, frustrated architect...

the empty shell

the plan
the finished set

the chalkboard wall behind Tom's bed

Laura Fox was the production designer on the film. You can see a photo reel of the different sets in the film here, including Summer's apartment and Tom's office.
Along with the production design, the music always plays a huge part in movies. The soundtrack to this film is definitely worth a buy! Not, only does it help to tell the story but it's a great listen on its own!
Also, Zooey Dechanel sings in a band, She and Him. They have just released a second album (Volume 2) that i keep hearing everywhere...and i love it!


  1. Oh I love this film to bits. And I completely agree with you - it's a perfect example of when a story, styling, music and acting all come together. Brilliant.
    x dana

  2. I have not seen this film, and tried to hear the soundtrack but computer wouldn't let me (clearly I am not great on technology!!!). Will look up the soundtrack on the i-phone (know I will get to hear the tracks there), and will see if we can hire the film at Blockbusters. Glad to hear it isn't only my two that destroy things!!!

  3. Just listening to the album snips on i-phone, love "in the sun", "sing" and "home" - she sings just like she talks - really nice. Album sounds great for a rom com -oh, makes me want to see the film!


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